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One of my goals for 2015 is to blog once a month
January 16, 2015. By Athena Rapinan

!0 steps to becoming a better writerEvery year, my dad tells me and my family to write down goals. One of my goals my dad suggested was to write a blog every month. At first, I was like, no way I was going to do that, but what choice did I have? It was already printed out on the paper. I guess it is my goal.Anne Tyler Quote

Overtime, I actually started to like the idea. My dad showed me a sample of his blogs and he told me the purpose of why I should also blog. He wants me to share my thoughts, observations, and at the same time practice writing about the things that may interest me.

My dad wants me to build better writing skills and improve on my typing. So my plan is to try to blog once a month, to have fun doing it, and to work on my blog 10 minutes every day. While I was listening, I understood and started to write. Here I am writing my very first blog.

Overall, writing is not so bad, and it is actually a little cool and fun. I am hoping I can blog once a month.