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My bucket list
September 3, 2015. By Athena Rapinan

I have been thinking about a lot of stuff I want to do, so I created a bucket list. In my bucket list, there are three rules: I may add more to the list, I may not remove from the list, and I will do everything I can to achieve them. Below is my bucket list.

Athena's Bucket List

In my bucket list, I have six categories: sports, musical instruments, travel, language, what I want to do when I grow up, and just some random stuff. The items on the list are things I would like to accomplish now and in the future, but some of the items I may never do, and it is okay.

After putting my list together, I feel super excited in completing them. I am especially looking forward to learning how to play the guitar. I think that is the first thing I will do because it is the easiest item to complete. Overall, I am happy with my bucket list and hoping to achieve all of them.